Leaders can be Angels Disguised as Nurses
“To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
I love to write about leadership. Mostly I write about leadership within companies. But there are times I have written about people who risk their lives to save others. This leadership is a little different and more of a tribute than anything else. My husband passed away a few weeks ago and in the middle of all the sadness and grief we encountered an “Angel” who I call a leader, hero and all those things you want your kids to be when they grow up.
This nurse not only cared for my husband like he was her child, but she cared for me and my children. She spoke to us about everything that was happening in a compassionate way we could understand. When there were times she needed us out of the room for his care, she didn’t hesitate to direct us, but always in a compassionate way. She always followed up on everything she committed to doing. Whether it was gathering doctors, bringing water or even an extra pillow.
I think to a certain extent just by being a nurse you must become a leader. Many nurses work on the front line. They don’t know what they are going to face each day and their ability to evaluate a situation and act, can mean life or death. They are the eyes and ears of the medical team.
Managing a patient’s care 24/7 while staying tuned in to the physical and emotional needs of patients and families.
When it came time for my husband’s passing, I have to tell you that without Jennifer we wouldn’t have made it. It wasn’t the doctors, it was her compassionate leadership that got us through and I wanted to recognize her as she will always be a leader and an angel in my heart.